Have you ever dreamt of a white Christmas? It would seem that students at a college in Virginia haven’t. Why? Because dreaming of a white Christmas is racist. Apparently, nature is racist . . .
Out to prove that colleges are consumed by political correctness, an MRC reporter by the name of Dan Joseph visited a college campus in Virginia with a clipboard in his hand to see how many students could be convinced that Big Crosby’s classic Christmas song is filled with “micro-aggression”.
He tells students that the lyrics are insulting to people of color because they insinuate that white is the best color of snow. As could be expected students didn’t stop to think that white is the only color snow . . . or at least the only natural colored snow. With a few sarcastic words on stopping “white supremacy” people were lined up to sign it.
See the video on the next page.
You can’t ban the song until you figure out how to change the color of snow morons
So now “snow” is racist because it happens to be frozen ice which happens to be white?
What color is snow suppose to be black?
lol…I have never seen black snow…Hahahahahahahaha
Our world is bonkers!!!!
Now snow is offensive? They need to be drug tested!
What? You mean now they want colored snow? Seems to get dumber everyday.
and consider the fact that these idiots will eventually run something or even run for office in the future
Boy let’s ban anything that has christ in it. This is why where in the shape were in you’ve band God out of everything. God is love where God isn’t their evil
what is this country coming to ??