These American kids have pride and their principals cannot take it away. A high school in Wyoming cancelled American Pride Day because it may hurt immigrant feelings. Jackson Hole High School students had their day of Red, White and Blue as a revolt against the decision made by the principal and vice principal.
Cheer the students on page 2.!/madpatriots/photos/a.983077391736405.1073741828.976659752378169/1056835661027244/?type=3&source=48&refid=28&_ft_=qid.6202511802154668686%3Amf_story_key.3884508962236043352%3AeligibleForSeeFirstBumping.&__tn__=E
every child in that scvhool needto go to that school carry ing a american flag anda confederate flag and tel lthem this is out country this is our flag not foreign flags this is our rights to have our ameircnas pride day
Keep the American Flag Flying!!
Stick to it kids. Sounds like young Americans to me.
Not much of a school! My kids wouldn’t step foot in that place!
Obama is what is wrong with America!!!!
People who choose to come to this Country should not be hurt or offended by our colors ,flag or pride.
jail this whole school system