Parent claim that subliminal Islamic messaging, in the form of a geography lesson, took place at Riverheads High School in Augusta County, Virginia this week. The students were given what the district described as an art project, an assignment to write, “There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah” in Arabic calligraphy.
Girls in the class were invited to dress in the Muslim style as well.
Parents were, of course, outraged at the assignment and on December 11th, met with the school district. The district saw no issue in the World Geography lesson saying, “There was no (sic) attempt at indoctrination to Islam or any other religion, or a request for students to renounce their own faith or profess any belief.”
Yet this statement is suspect, as there could have been so many other statements to practice artistic Arabic calligraphy and the educators specifically chose the shahada, the Muslim statement of faith.
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I would wear their clothes around my waist in case I get my period.
Wake up America.
I guess you missed the part that I’m a veteran, I’ve fought them, I know them more than you who has never set foot in a Muslim country and have no clue on how they really conduct themselves yet you want to defend them.
Wow I don’t think so
This is one reason people will never accept them
Thats what they where over their forehead and right hand. See the three 6’s.
I think NOT!!!
Corey at no point did I defend the ones you were fighting against. Did I? OF COURSE muslims in muslim majority states/countries live differently from muslims in muslim minority state/countries. That shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. I am talking about the other 85%….aka.1.7+ Billion people. Or at the very least the 8 Million muslim americans.
Allah is Arabic for God, the same Abrahamic God of Christianity. There is no difference.
Stop the insanity