Parent claim that subliminal Islamic messaging, in the form of a geography lesson, took place at Riverheads High School in Augusta County, Virginia this week. The students were given what the district described as an art project, an assignment to write, “There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah” in Arabic calligraphy.
Girls in the class were invited to dress in the Muslim style as well.
Parents were, of course, outraged at the assignment and on December 11th, met with the school district. The district saw no issue in the World Geography lesson saying, “There was no (sic) attempt at indoctrination to Islam or any other religion, or a request for students to renounce their own faith or profess any belief.”
Yet this statement is suspect, as there could have been so many other statements to practice artistic Arabic calligraphy and the educators specifically chose the shahada, the Muslim statement of faith.
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Not my kids!!!
Muhammed Tuhin… There is ONLY 1 True God and that is Jesus Christ!
But Charlie Brown is banned, you’re kidding
They shouldn’t be asked to write anything they don’t understand besides the statement should not be in schools at all
I see your point Don. I don’t find that to be teaching religion especially when the kids did not know what it meant. I’m not religious at all. Everyone is welcome to worship however they choose. I think I can safely safe most people do not think all muslims are evil terrorists. I don’t. The problem is how can we tell the good ones from the bad ones in any religion? We can’t. With all the terrorist activity around the world that’s been happening lately this makes it almost impossible to blindly trust anyone anymore. Muslims or christians or whatever.
As a parent and not a religious person I would have a problem with this assignment being given to my child. I would be fine with learning the art of calligraphy. The words are the problem. Religion was removed from schools years ago. No praying or lessons about it. No more Lords prayer. No religious activity or ceremonies. No Christmas trees. No more Christmas break its a winter break. A few examples. Now when I say religion I mean every single religion not just christianity. No religion or religious activity of any kind. All religions. If learning the calligraphy is indeed the true purpose of this assignment they could have easily used different words to do it. Words like God and Allah should not be used. It doesn’t matter if the kids don’t even know what the words meant. Other words, even using words that don’t even make a grammatically correct sentence could have easily been used. Calligraphy is the lesson so what the words are is irrelevant. No reference to any religion or God or allah whatsoever. The sentence could have said, “The purple cow vacuumed the carpet” . Write that using calligraphy since the lesson is calligraphy. We would not be having this debate now. The teacher should certainly be aware by now that people would take issue to those words. I know I rambled but hopefully you understand what I’m trying to say. Things like this are the very reason religion was removed from schools in the first place.
Allah is Satan! Satan has been trying for thousands of years to get man to bow down and worship him as God! Well he will have his chance through the Antichrist and false prophet.
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There is NO GOD but GOD himself that reins in HEAVEN!!!
More like Allah is no god’s with deceiving followers. DEMO