Students to be Expelled if They Speak Out Against Transgenders

Students to be Expelled if They Speak Out Against Transgenders

Twelve pro-trans witnesses testified before the Fairfax County school board in Virginia, while parents and concerned community members were not allowed to be heard.  The gag-order, the discipline is being meted out, first to the parent who opposes, but next to the child who criticizes the schools transgender ideology was present in the school board meeting.

No opponent was allowed to speak at the school board meeting and some of the parents who did shout their opposition from their seats were ejected.

The newest regulation added to the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, which is handed out and must be signed by student and parent alike, read: ‘No student in FCPS shall … on the basis of gender identity … be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity.’

If a student violates a regulation, then discipline will occur in the form of suspension or expulsion from school.

Read what the term “discrimination” actually means and how students could be expelled if they speak out against “gender identity” on the following page.

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Students to be Expelled if They Speak Out Against Transgenders