Kendra Turner, 17, of Dyersburg, Tennessee was suspended because she said ‘bless you’ to another student who sneezed.
It seems that the teacher has a list of words you can’t say in class, and ‘bless you’ is on the list. The teacher told the TurnerĀ “Now we will not have godly speaking in my class.”
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Communist BS Propaganda.
This is getting out of hand,from what I’ve read it is apparently OK to hit your teacher but you better not ‘Bless ” her….Enough of this already…it seems that everyone( atheists,$#%&!@*sexuals, anti-Americans,flag burners etc.) has rights EXCEPT the God loving Christians ! No more PC
I would have to go to the school and have a talk with them
Fu vCard k
Idiots and this political correctness has gone to far! Get rid of these liberal idiots!
With the current political climate, what do people expect??? Almighty God has been removed from everything! Is anyone surprised?????
Well she could be blessing someone and her God is Ala so to avoid confusion it was eliminated!
stop the world,i wanna get off,enuf is enuf.
In response to that, when a Muslim says God he means Allah. Its possible she is Muslim
What is God’s name? Just a little trivia to you fine folks. And people don’t say Jesus because he is the son of God.