Kendra Turner, 17, of Dyersburg, Tennessee was suspended because she said ‘bless you’ to another student who sneezed.
It seems that the teacher has a list of words you can’t say in class, and ‘bless you’ is on the list. The teacher told the TurnerĀ “Now we will not have godly speaking in my class.”
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And someone was telling me that religion is not under attack. =[???
I just cannot put like on this although I am glad to be informed. Teachers like this should be banned from being able to force personal belief’s on students. Religious or political .
Now I am offended!!!!!!!!!! Idiots!!! Keep being polite and saying God Bless sister.
I know that but look what has happened to our country because of it
Political correctness should be put on trial and exposed for what it is. Social terrorism!
God bless you
Keep up the good work
Screw that!