Kendra Turner, 17, of Dyersburg, Tennessee was suspended because she said ‘bless you’ to another student who sneezed.
It seems that the teacher has a list of words you can’t say in class, and ‘bless you’ is on the list. The teacher told the TurnerĀ “Now we will not have godly speaking in my class.”
See The Following Page:
Fire teacher
Wherever she’s going to school I would immediately take her out in that school if she’s in college I would immediately leave and go somewhere else
Good for her
The teacher is a liberal pig
The teacher and principal should be beaten in public.
Huh! WTF?
This is going way to far ! We need to get our country back now
Get the facts first before you post this story!! That’s not what happened.
People. How can all of you be this gullible? The girl was obnoxious and saying it in a unruly way.
God bless America again.