Kendra Turner, 17, of Dyersburg, Tennessee was suspended because she said ‘bless you’ to another student who sneezed.
It seems that the teacher has a list of words you can’t say in class, and ‘bless you’ is on the list. The teacher told the TurnerĀ “Now we will not have godly speaking in my class.”
See The Following Page:
Should have said GOD BLESS YOU!!
Fire the Teacher. Free Speech is our right. The people in Dyersburg Tenna. should picket that school and name the teacher. I would take out a full page ad in the Newspaper with my editorial comments. This is getting out of hand. Is the Teacher a card carrying Muslim or Communist??????
That is so ridiculous! This is still America, teacher, land of the free!
Fire the teacher!
I’m with David Williams there, Bless you is a VERY polite comment to a person who has sneezed.
Sorry, but I would believe the teen over the teacher and administration….teenagers (kids) don’t usually get this upset unless what they are saying is true. Perhaps the political and religious affiliation of this teacher would be helpful to know? From my perspective, those in the wrong have a track record of “backing up” when they are called on their un-American behavior…..just saying…..
If I was the parent they would only wish I would say God Bless You!!!
That teacher sure as heck wouldn’t like what I would say.
She still teaches ? Uh huh, found the problem !!!!!
Do what? I find this hard to believe as a teacher can’t suspend a student, only an administrator. Anyone from Dyersburg know the inside story on this?