Kendra Turner, 17, of Dyersburg, Tennessee was suspended because she said ‘bless you’ to another student who sneezed.
It seems that the teacher has a list of words you can’t say in class, and ‘bless you’ is on the list. The teacher told the TurnerĀ “Now we will not have godly speaking in my class.”
See The Following Page:
We used to have rights and manners and sharing of God in our vocabulary…
I say take that teachers rules and put them where the sun don’t shine, it’s a shame they are taking God out of every thing it is wrong….
Interesting. If instead of saying “Bless you” she said “F… you”, my guess is she wouldn’t have been suspended.
How ridiculous!
list her full name and adress….thats what liberials do!
What part of Nazi Germany does she go to school at?
This teacher is retarded.
Time to take back our school from hipocrits and fire the teacher
the teacher should apologize to that student then get fired