There are many who are wondering… what will the next ten years bring? The world elites are angry and spiteful that the English commoners have taken their country back, even more so because when the financial titans warned of an English economic collapse, stocks dipped, then came right back up. Although English working class citizens may think they have won, and in a similar vein, Donald Trump supporters may think that they have overthrown the Republican elites, the fact is that government has, for many years, been putting into place stop-guards that will prevent the public from taking back the power and control from government bureaucrats and their many divisions, overseers, and agencies.
And a new American revolution may not coming any time soon, because the ability to gather and unite has slowly been eclipsed by technology and technique. The situation is dire, and we need to engage the populace, because the solution is in the people, massing to reject that control.
See more on how government has taken control on page 2:
The oath is a meaningless, outdated relic of the past. Anyone can be bought for the right price.
I know what you saying we the people out number them like 10 to 1 but 1 tank could take out hundreds if not thousands of us one bomb could get alot of us 1 grenade 1 missle etc, plus not everyone in america has bullet proof vests so that makes us more vulnerable Im not saying I wouldnt fight for my freedom, family, or way of life I just think if we do we are doomed, during the revolutionary war citizens had the same arms as the military and everyone else now there weapons are more advanced etc, it sounds good yeah but thats why the government keeps doing what they do we the people sit back and rely on a vote that dont mean$#%&!@*while they keep getting more and more armed etc, we have allowed it to get this far I think now its to Late
There is way too many true American patriots that would stop and crush them
Police are getting fed up with our federal government too. Hell they might put down their weapons and protest too. I hope that would be the case anyway
I believe most police and military would stand with the american people to defend the constitution.
Those that would oppose us
Are plants and administrative goons.
Obama has brought in the UN to police our police, he’s fired all the military generals that would support the people and our Constitution, he will stop at nothing to destroy America he’s supporting Killery but they’re going to lose
92nd propaganda
Kaine & Unable Is The Democrates Ticket For America To Stay The Same Course As The Last 8 Years Under The Worst President In US History! Is That What You Want? Me Neither!
Trump/Pence For America A Strong Ticket That Will Make America Safe, Sane, Properous And Great Once Again! Thank You For Your Support And Votes! Keep The White House Hillary Free, Even Bill Clinton Said There Has Been Enough Women In The Oval Office! Trump/Pence 2016!!!
Better stand with your people. If not bullets know no loyalty.