There are many who are wondering… what will the next ten years bring? The world elites are angry and spiteful that the English commoners have taken their country back, even more so because when the financial titans warned of an English economic collapse, stocks dipped, then came right back up. Although English working class citizens may think they have won, and in a similar vein, Donald Trump supporters may think that they have overthrown the Republican elites, the fact is that government has, for many years, been putting into place stop-guards that will prevent the public from taking back the power and control from government bureaucrats and their many divisions, overseers, and agencies.
And a new American revolution may not coming any time soon, because the ability to gather and unite has slowly been eclipsed by technology and technique. The situation is dire, and we need to engage the populace, because the solution is in the people, massing to reject that control.
See more on how government has taken control on page 2:
There are more than 100 million gun owners in this country with billions of rounds of ammunition
dont think oboma has made friends with the police after his recent antics
True but we all dont have the training let alone the technology to beat the government 1 good bomb could wipe out over half of us easy we dont have bomb shelters either, I relize we the people are heavily armed but we are only on foot, the control the waters the sky etc, and will come at us from every where
So are those the same police that we the people swore to defend?
Protective uniforms, nothing wrong with that.
Jack Burton
Joke right?
With only 1 million Americans resisting it would be all but impossible for the public servants aka county – city – state police, alphabet police, federal employees to stop all out rebellion.
There are over 1 million TLC in Texas… Which doesn’t amount to Jack in the scheme of totality.
In the USA the number is around 760,000 public servants aka police.
How many public servants do you think would turn on their friends and families?
Take into account it would require massive troops and support groups to contain DFW area.
I would say around 50 to 75 thousand.
This does not include the thousands in food, water, fuel, etc.
The thing is you can only poke at a sleeping dragon so many times before it wakes up.
.. um .. yeah .. good luck with that 😉