The Trump campaign contends, and is doing the footwork to prove, that the Cruz campaign is stealing delegates through voter fraud. Roger Stone, political consultant, strategist and lobbyist told Brietbart that there is evidence of irregularities and fraud in Texas, Hawaii, Utah, Kansas and Oklahoma.
Stone believes Cruz should be put in handcuffs for this alleged fraud. He claims, “the Trump people can go to credentials and challenge the seating of hundreds, literally hundreds of Ted Cruz’s delegates who were fraudulently elected.”
Referencing, where one can find the Trump Ballot Security Project, Stone said that their is a toll-free 800 number for voters to report voter fraud. The TBSP is investigating hundreds of complaints in Utah where Cruz won the Republican Primary. This group was founded after the Texas Republican Primary, when the main stream media reported on dozens of irregularities.
Read more about Stone and the Trump Ballot Security Project on the next page.
Cruz a Shady Character very nasty campaign tectics absolutely disgraceful behavior terrible Candidate and can’t win anyway
Do it.
Donald Trump 2016!
Everyone knows what a corrupt politician this jerk is. He has proved himself over and, starting in Iowa, to not be the devout Christian he touts himself to be. He puts the Bible aside when he lies, cheats, steals votes, when he becomes obsessed with stopping Trump he makes a fool of himself. He has been bought by big money and is now in the cesspool with the rest of the GOP and RNC but they are using him just like Soros is using Kasich to keep votes from Trump. Not one of them will admit they are doing dirty tricks to stop Trump but we can see it everyday. They fool no one but the ones that will get fooled will be the corrupt politicians when we vote them all out of office and they have to find jobs. Stop Cruz, stop the corruption, stop Soros from buying our government. Start cleaning house and let’s take our government back.
Warning TRUMP supporter’s; Ted Cruz is part of the GOP establishment and in a video said he would support (30) thirty thousand Syrian refugees coming into the United States he also said in a news video that he supported amnesty for illegal’s. Ted Cruz is a plagiarizer he has never had an original thought in his life he is a puppet for the RNC & GOP politicians, he uses fraises from movies and he uses Trumps campaign redbrick as his own. Ted Cruz is a LIAR, CHEAT, and back stabber. The Utah poles were rigged and Trump votes were destroyed this is Voter fraud and should be investigated. It was said tonight on NBC news that if the people i.e. American voters elected Donald J. Trump into office the vial corrupt politicians on Capitol Hill would not accept his nomination to office. “We the People” are the government! The people of this great nation and the American voter puts into office who we wish and who we want to represent us on Capitol Hill. The time has come to purge these corrupt politicians that are a plague in our American government. Fight back with your vote, So America vote, vote for Donald J. Trump for your President. Donald J. Trump is the only candidate that has raised 6 million dollars for vets, 1 million of his own money, what candidate has done this. Union Workers Backing Donald Trump SEIU Head Says Republican Appeals To Working Class Members! Trump cannot and will not be bought, bribed, intimidated, and has no special entrusted groups behind him telling what to do. Trump wants to bring back Merry Christmas and keep in GOD WE TRUST to our currency. Trump supports our 2nd Amendment Rights to the letter. Trump is trying to protect and restore the constitution of this great country. He is bringing back waterboarding and much more in order to protect our service men and woman and the American public. He is self-funded get other candidates to do the same. He is firm on immigration and Muslim refugees not coming to the United States. He will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it. Heads will roll on Capitol Hill Demarcates and GOP Republicans are terrified of a TRUMP Presidency. Politicians have ripped and torn our country apart and the American people are fed up. One other man that made his bid for the White House was not a politician he wasn’t even a lawyer he was an actor. He became the governor of California. This man killed more American Indians than John Wayne… almost, babysit a chimp named Bonzo, and was the cattle king of Montana (This is a metaphor). This man wanted to help our country and try to “Make it great again.” He also had an uphill battle and was fought all the way and he was almost assassinated but he ended up our great fortieth President Ronald Reagan. Donald J. Trump will be our next President, get used to it, the GOP will back Mr. Trump when he is the nominee or face a public revolt…..SHARE, SHARE, SHARE, SHARE, When there is caucuses its funny that Trump loses even when it show him ahead. Caucuses are rigged investigate for voter fraud and tampering. If Trump loses to Cruz the voter loses to the establishment because Cruz is part of the D.C. political establishment and the voter loses…….Again!! Ted Cruz is responsible for the photo of Trump’s wife he is the coward !!!
There is no evidence of any fraud, all lies, allegations, and rumor.
I a agree. He is a Liar and a Cheater. Not what I want for President!!
You are wrong. Cruz will beat the witch.
They will have to join the American people in their selection to elect Donald Trump For President as this is America and Majority rules and their are no laws interfering with that.
Awe but I think he might like it. Creapy Ted.