The Trump campaign contends, and is doing the footwork to prove, that the Cruz campaign is stealing delegates through voter fraud. Roger Stone, political consultant, strategist and lobbyist told Brietbart that there is evidence of irregularities and fraud in Texas, Hawaii, Utah, Kansas and Oklahoma.
Stone believes Cruz should be put in handcuffs for this alleged fraud. He claims, “the Trump people can go to credentials and challenge the seating of hundreds, literally hundreds of Ted Cruz’s delegates who were fraudulently elected.”
Referencing, where one can find the Trump Ballot Security Project, Stone said that their is a toll-free 800 number for voters to report voter fraud. The TBSP is investigating hundreds of complaints in Utah where Cruz won the Republican Primary. This group was founded after the Texas Republican Primary, when the main stream media reported on dozens of irregularities.
Read more about Stone and the Trump Ballot Security Project on the next page.
Personally I find this entire group of candidates to be the absolute worst in my lifetime. Id like to clear the entire field and start over. I doubt democrats could find wholesome people … and starting to doubt the GOP’s ability to do the same.
Proof once again that Cruz is just another corrupt politician – America NEEDS Trump!
I fucking hate that sobs voice. Just toss him back to Canada
Wish you fought against liberals as much as you do your own party
No Donald No Vote RNC SO VERY TRUE Wisconsin, New York, Pennaylvaia, Indiana, West Virginia & New Jersey America, Her Allies, Our Veterans, Citizens & Seniors Need A Non-Politician True Patriot That Wants Give Back To The Country That Made Him Great By Serving As A Strong Commander In Chief And President Of The United States Of America For FREE!
He Is The Only Candidate Who Is Not Bought Paid Fore And Owned By Super Pac, Special Interest Groups & Planned Parenthood Monies!
Please Register Republican & Vote For Donald He Will Make America Safe, Sane, Prosperous & Great Again By Taking Care Of Our Military & Make Us Respected & Feared Once Again!
That would mean all democrats should be locked up to.
Jeff you are one idiot. You might as well vote for Hillary. If you think Cruz is an honest truthful person you need your head examined. This man has done everything possible that’s corrupt to win the nomination. And you’re okay with that? You shouldn’t be allowed to vote