The Trump campaign contends, and is doing the footwork to prove, that the Cruz campaign is stealing delegates through voter fraud. Roger Stone, political consultant, strategist and lobbyist told Brietbart that there is evidence of irregularities and fraud in Texas, Hawaii, Utah, Kansas and Oklahoma.
Stone believes Cruz should be put in handcuffs for this alleged fraud. He claims, “the Trump people can go to credentials and challenge the seating of hundreds, literally hundreds of Ted Cruz’s delegates who were fraudulently elected.”
Referencing, where one can find the Trump Ballot Security Project, Stone said that their is a toll-free 800 number for voters to report voter fraud. The TBSP is investigating hundreds of complaints in Utah where Cruz won the Republican Primary. This group was founded after the Texas Republican Primary, when the main stream media reported on dozens of irregularities.
Read more about Stone and the Trump Ballot Security Project on the next page.
Roger Stone clearly just a hatchet man with no scruples whatsoever. Smear, distract, disparage….
Trump will get killed in the general election. only 2 in 45 nationwide polls show him beating her, most show losing by 5 points or more. In same polls, most show Cruz is basically even winning or losing within the margin of error. Trump has about a 70 percent unfavorable rating by women, more than that by Republican women. A bit better, but similar stats from millenials and minorities. Believe what you want, but the numbers do not look good for The Donald.
Just do it
Both Republicans and Democrats are scared. Obummer is trying to tell us to not vote for Trump because we are stupid. We are too stupid to handle a gun and too stupid to vote. Now even Cruz and the GOP is telling us we are too stupid to pick the right candidate! It’s because we are not conforming to what the Establishment and Society is choosing for us. People can’t believe that the silent majority is finally standing up and choosing who WE want not who THEY want us to pick. They cannot control us and that’s why they are scared. They don’t want Trump because the Trump Train will stop the Gravy Train. Lots of power and money at stake. TRUMP is self funding. Let’s look straight ahead and don’t get side tracked. We are making history. Next election won’t be as hard because people will know that we all have a choice. America is land of the free to vote for whoever you want! We the people want and will vote for
TRUMP 2016!
What about Hillary?
Stone needs to get a life
You Trumplovers know that Roger Stone has his nose so far up Trump$$ a$$, he’ll do and say anything for that fraud. Keep believing everything you read without doing any research, because everything on a page named “truth and action” must be true. Stone is a political consultant. That means he makes $$ to stir the pot. Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. Were not in court.
prison for Obama, Clintons and their minions