The Trump campaign contends, and is doing the footwork to prove, that the Cruz campaign is stealing delegates through voter fraud. Roger Stone, political consultant, strategist and lobbyist told Brietbart that there is evidence of irregularities and fraud in Texas, Hawaii, Utah, Kansas and Oklahoma.
Stone believes Cruz should be put in handcuffs for this alleged fraud. He claims, “the Trump people can go to credentials and challenge the seating of hundreds, literally hundreds of Ted Cruz’s delegates who were fraudulently elected.”
Referencing, where one can find the Trump Ballot Security Project, Stone said that their is a toll-free 800 number for voters to report voter fraud. The TBSP is investigating hundreds of complaints in Utah where Cruz won the Republican Primary. This group was founded after the Texas Republican Primary, when the main stream media reported on dozens of irregularities.
Read more about Stone and the Trump Ballot Security Project on the next page.
What bho wants big fight an he calls martial law!!
He is trying to pull off the same fraud Obama did he is not a natural citizen and therefore ineligible to be president.
Is Ted a moral person?? no!…when the DC Madams prostitute list is finally revealed tomorrow…everyone will know that Cruz hired prostitutes most of his adult life….single and as married…thats why Heidi had her nervous break down. Now about his campaign being moral?…Id say no again..he lies, cheats, and evil…nasty man all around and then he calls himself a born again Christian!!..seriously?/!! I know ppl who are agnostic who are better ppl then he is.
When Cruz will stoop to Voter Fraud to be elected, just think of how low he will stoop if he actually won the election and mad his way to the White House. We have seen an example of Low-Life Lawlessness in the White House for the past 7 years, we can’t afford to let that continue under another Worthless Fraud. Kick Ted Cruz to the curb where he belongs.
lying Ted
The Republicans and Democrats are all paid by the same special interests and globalist
This country has been stolen !! there’s only one candidate that can bring it back
Trump !!!
Cruz looks like the real crook he is.
boy arn’t politics great
Republicans never went after democrats this hard for voter fraud.
Cruz is an unethical as it gets!!
Yes Cruz is a fraud !