Rumor has it that “Ryan and Priebus are working on a plan to “extort Trump” at the RNC”, according to Roger Stone. This is predicated on the fact that the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, has refused to endorse Donald Trump as the prospective Republican nominee.
In an attempted strong-arm maneuver, Trump told NBC’s Meet the Press this past Sunday that he would undertake removing Ryan from his position at the convention, should he continue withholding his support.
Roger Stone believes that Reince Priebus is not going to “unite the GOP” behind Trump to defeat Hillary, but rather he and Ryan are planning a coup at the convention. Stone plans to bring the Ryan and Priebus plan to light and “expose” their plan to “extort Trump” at the Cleveland convention.
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Nut case!! It’s because of people like you that we ALL lose!! Pisses me off!!! Idiots!!!!
Lmao! And they call Trump supporters crazy! Cruzers have lost their ever lovin minds!!! RAFAEL WILL NOT BE PRESIDENT!!!!!
With God all things are possible! The one true God, not your orange god.
Its all about greed and money not the American people. These asses need to go.
You better drop the plan, cause Trump is our choice.
Well that won’t end well.
If they screw this up,.. the party will be dead, and THEY will soon be Unemployed ….
Shitcan both of those Cuntnuggets