Stone: Priebus and Ryan are Planning to Extort Trump

When push comes to shove, will Trump actually remove Paul Ryan from his role at the RNC should he not support him?

During an interview with NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, Trump said that he would not rule out an attempt to remove Ryan from his role at the convention, vowing consequences if the former Wisconsin Congressman continued to withhold his support.

Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, told Jake Tapper in a CNN interview that he was “not ready” to support Trump.  Ryan and Trump are scheduled to meet in Washington DC this coming Thursday.  Ryan has demonstrated a strong character and ability to stand on principle while Trump has an uncanny knack of twisting arms to come to his way of thinking.

Roger Stone, Trump’s staunch supporter, speculates that both Ryan and Priebus are going to attempt to “extort Trump” at the convention.

After initially indicating that he was opposed to a Trump candidacy on several occasions, Reince Priebus appeared conciliatory after Trump’s success in Indiana, tweeting that it was time to “unite” the GOP behind an effort to defeat Hillary Clinton.

However, according to Trump confidante Roger Stone, Ryan and Priebus are working on a plan to “extort Trump” at the RNC.

Stone says the two are scheming to “thwart Trump control of the Republican National Committee,” and has vowed to “expose their outrageous plan.”

Sarah Palin is also mixing things up by stating she will help bring Ryan’s defeat by “backing his primary opponent in Wisconsin.

Nothing to see here folk but politics as usual.

Source: InfoWars













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