The Stingray: How Local Police Listen To Your Cell Phone Calls

The Stingray: How Local Police Listen To Your Cell Phone Calls

The Stingray is a small device that mimics cellular towers – tricking all wireless devices on the same network into communicating with it, which enables local police that utilize it to very accurately pinpoint your location, listen to your calls and capture data from any wireless device even when not in use.

The devices come with a hefty $250,000 price tag, but local law enforcement across the country are acquiring them with grants from the Dept. of Homeland Security. Gee, big surprise there huh?

These devices have been around for a number of years, but their use is only now becoming widely known. Last Thursday, Erie County New York sheriff Tim Howard stated that his office has had one since 2008, but is now finish making public statements about its use.



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