Steven Spielberg to Harvard Grads: Trump Intends to Rid the U.S. of all Immigrants

Big Hollywood was so sure that Donald Trump had zero chance at winning against Hillary Clinton. That never stopped them from attaching his character and policies at every turn.

Acclaimed director-producer Steven Spielberg delivered a jocular commencement speech to Harvard University’s Class of 2016 Thursday and lobbed a thinly veiled attack at presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump over his call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.
The Jurassic Park director urged the crowd of graduates to appreciate the past–“to look behind them” at the history of America and those who fled genocide and mass-misfortune for freedom in America.

“We are a nation of immigrants … at least for now,” Spielberg said to laughter and applause.

Continuously, the media portrays Donald Trump and his supporters as anti-imigrant xenophobes. They show clips of people chanting “Build the wall!” at his rallies as proof, yet they ignore the fact that many of those very chanters are immigrants themselves. At his latest rally in Anaheim, CA, supporters held “Chinese for Trump,” and “Hispanics for Trump” signs, but all the media focused on was the protests outside.

The media and big Hollywood may be out to get him, but everyday Americans don’t seem to be taking the bait. Trump is ahead of Clinton, and he’s moving fast.

Source: Breitbart



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