While the media makes the debate over gun control less complex than it actually is, there are several layers to the issue as a whole. For example, there’s a growing suspicion among second amendment fundamentalists that a lot of domestic shootings in America are being engineered in order to build support for gun control legislation.
One the supporters of this idea of false flag operations contributing to gun violence in the United States is action star Steven Seagal, who believes that this is a concerted effort by the government to violate our rights and assault the constitution. He supports this claim by citing examples from World War II when the people of Germany had their guns confiscated by Adolf Hitler.
Find which celebrity supports this movement on the next page.
Hmm, I don’t like this
This is so true, I have though this for some time. I think the democrats and the new world order is behind a lot of the shootings, they are having fits to take away the people’s way of protecting themselves. If they ever win the UN will send in troupes to take over America. We must keep our rights to protect ourselves.
Often yes. People in power will do horrible things to maintain power
Hats telling the truth
We love Stevie!
YES it’s the Soros Obama Clinton machine pushing their EVIL agenda
Nothing more than a distraction by democrats who don’t want to be investigated AND exposed on how they steal from from the American people