While the media makes the debate over gun control less complex than it actually is, there are several layers to the issue as a whole. For example, there’s a growing suspicion among second amendment fundamentalists that a lot of domestic shootings in America are being engineered in order to build support for gun control legislation.
One the supporters of this idea of false flag operations contributing to gun violence in the United States is action star Steven Seagal, who believes that this is a concerted effort by the government to violate our rights and assault the constitution. He supports this claim by citing examples from World War II when the people of Germany had their guns confiscated by Adolf Hitler.
Find which celebrity supports this movement on the next page.
Amen definitely
I total agree Democrats have been trying to take guns from American citizens for ages
And now that the Christmas season is upon us, I’m sure they have one planned, again.
Very possible
I’ve thought that as well.
Yes, false flag operations!
Re: Las Vegas Massacre
Yeeaahh your right man
Yep to push gun control and to brainwash people into thinking if everyone gave guns up it would be safe!!! Oldest trick in book because many fools play right into communist hands! Criminals will always find a way if we hey want to kill!! Criminals do not follow laws so the only people gun laws hurt are those whom do follow gun laws! Our forefathers included ” gun rights shall not be Infringed on” for a reason! We The People should always have equal or higher power guns/protection than government should they become tyranny and try to take our freedom. Domestic enemies/tyranny government!!! And also so we can protect ourselves from anyone trying to harm us, our families or communities. Also to protect our property and land. Also we have to be able to protect ourselves should enemies come on our soil to attack us!! We need to stop the infringement on our gun rights!!! Criminals do not get registered, get permit, only buy certain gun or only get certain amount of ammo which makes those laws putting good people in danger of All whom want to kill/hurt/rob/rape/or taking our freedom!!! The more armed good people the less crime will be committed!!! Get armed people! Only communist would want to unarmed their people and they do it before taking many lives and freedom! Get Armed! The Democrats want guns!!!