Steven Seagal: Mass Shootings Are Engineered

While all of this might sound like the rantings of a conspiracy theorist, it’s difficult to ignore the haunting circumstances under which these shootings take place and the political aftermath that follows.

And the right to bear arms wasn’t just to protect the people from foreign invaders, it was to protect them from evil governments, and anyone that would violate their inherited rights as human beings.”

He continues, “I believe that, and I hate to say this, a lot of these mass murders and all this funny stuff that’s going on, I believe a lot of this is engineered.”

The conspiracy theory surrounding domestic false flag shootings conjures intense emotions on both sides. “Truthers” claim the government uses either CIA operatives or patsies controlled by MKULTRA style psyops in order to foment violence so abhorrent that Americans will be forced to embrace gun control legislation. They believe the end-game of such an insidious scheme is to disarm the general population in advance of extensive martial law or indefinite FEMA detention.





  1. Kathleen
  2. Bken
  3. Sid Helms
  4. Karen Johnson
  5. Ron
  6. Al DiPalo
  7. Defiant One

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