After years of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) getting pushed aside to accommodate open borders zealots, the potential Trump administration has gone on record to declare a new era of cooperation with the NBPC.
The Trump campaign’s declaration of cooperation with the NBPC is a departure from the traditional model of letting lobbyists and open borders operatives decide what “secure borders” means for the United States.
It is one more reason the groundswell has happened behind Trump. The Donald is so politically unorthodox and willing to reach out to our long ignored border security agencies who have been sidelined during the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama era.
If any other candidate seizes the nomination from Trump, expect border security voters to stay home.
See the next page for details on what a Trump administration border may look like.\
Yes, we can. That’s been the problem all along. Things are kept quiet so more outrages against the American people can be done. Keeping quiet is enabling more abuses to our way of life.
David Dawson—all the voting is online for all to see, as well as video’s of speeches, maybe you should invest a little time and read up on Cruz! I did and won’t vote for him!!
Let me give you a little research:
Ted Cruz does not have liberal New York values. Ted Cruz was not a former Democrat who is STILL “buddies” with the Clinton’s. Ted Cruz is a Christian and long devote Conservative. He leads the Tea Party movement. And here’s more:
1) Ted Cruz will repeal Obamacare in it’s entirety and put insurance back on the free market. Donald Trump LAST YEAR said he supports a National Healthcare that mirrors Canada’s. He wants to repeal Obamacare but replace it with another MANDATORY form of health insurance.
2.) Ted Cruz will overturn Obama’s illegal Same Sex marriage bill. Trump won’t touch it. Ted Cruz will also set term limits for judges and congress members with mandatory periodic elections. This will end judicial tyranny and corrupt congress members staying in power indefinitely. Trump—not even on the radar.
3.) Ted Cruz will defund Planned Parenthood. He has been fighting in congress to do so. He will also fight to overturn Roe vs Wade. Trump on the other hand has REPEATEDLY stated in the past he “supports a woman’s right to choose.”
4). Unlike Trump, Ted is 100% pro gun rights. He has fought side by side with Rand Paul in congress to shoot down all bills that infringe on our 2nd Amendment Rights. Trump supports banning automatic weapons and more background checks.
5.) Ted Cruz supports banning visas to ALL nations with ties to terrorism. Donald Trump claims he will only ban visas from Syria.
6.) Ted Cruz does not use race to single out certain Americans to further divide our nation like Obama and Trump. He is not a narcissist like Donald and Obama. He wants to see the wounds of this nation healed. Not torn further open.
7). Ted Cruz will ENFORCE existing immigration laws. He will NOT go door to door like the Nazis rounding up Hispanics like Donald Trump vows to do. He will NOT tear families apart like Donald Trump vows to do. Rather, if somebody is arrested and they are illegal, they will be deported. If they are pulled over by the police and they are illegal, they will be deported. If they are caught working illegally the owner will be punished and the illegal deported. If they are caught crossing the border illegally they will deported. All deportation will have a 10 year bar from reentering as the law states. No door to door round ups. No tearing families apart. Simply ENFORCING existing laws.
8). Ted Cruz will build HUNDREDS of miles of needed border fencing. His plan is FEASIBLE, REALISTIC AND ECONOMICALLY AFFORDABLE unlike Trumps. Trump want’s to build the “great wall of America”. This will be expensive. It will take years and how does one build a wall down the middle of the Rio Grande River? Ted Cruz will build a REALISTIC border fence that can be QUICKLY put up and will NOT take a punch out of the tax payers wallet like Trumps plan.
9.) Ted Cruz will IMMEDIATELY increase Border Patrol numbers and technology by 3x their current numbers. This will give IMMEDIATE and BADLY needed security to our borders.
10.) Ted Cruz will rebuild our military back to adequate numbers to protect our nation from foreign threats. Donald Trump historically has been opposed to a large military and is an isolationist.
11.) Ted Cruz will overturn the Iran deal and return sanctions back to Iran. He will again return friendly relationships with our greatest ally, Israel. Donald Trump has flipped flopped his views on Iran.
12.) Ted Cruz will IMMEDIATELY arm the Kurds to fight ISIS. He will send ground troops IF NEEDED to help them. He will not put our soldiers lives at risk unless absolutely necessary. Donald Trump on the other hand wants to send “limited” numbers of ground troops to fight ISIS. “Limited” is what Obama is doing and is how you get soldiers killed. Cruz will arm others to fight them.
13.) Ted Cruz is opposed to recreational use of marijuana, but wants the states to decided the matter. Donald Trump on the other hand supports legalizing ALL drugs (pot, crack meth etc) and taxing it. He honestly believes its the best way to end the “war on drugs”. That does not sit well with most Conservatives.
14.) Ted Cruz will repeal Common Core in it’s entirety putting education back into the hands of state and local hands. Donald Trump–well,he has New York values.
15.) Ted Cruz did not bankrupt Atlantic City nor is he being funded by George Soros like Donald Trump. (Soros is funding his Chicago Tower project). Ted Cruz does want to create more American jobs and supports ending the IRS and a national flat tax.
16.) Ted Cruz is from Texas. Donald Trump is from New York City. Ted Cruz has long been a Christian Conservative. Donald–he was RECENTLY a Democrat, has lots of Democratic friends including Hillary Clinton–and well, I don’t think he goes to church.
Furthermore Ted Cruz has been a rock solid constitutionalist for longer than Trump was a liberal democrat.
Enough said.
If you believe that, take it from this old 74 year old citizen….Politicians are liars…yes….liars! And I don’t care if it is TRUMP OR Cruz….you cannot believe what they say!
They do have that and are told from what I heard they are told to let everyone in and not arrest anyone.
WE WANT TRUMP….Trump Can’t be Bought….Make America Great Again.
Believe what you want but those are the facts.
These people are invaders breaking into our country and Obama the traitor does nothing. Americans have the right to gun them down as they cross into this country if the government won’t do their jobs.
For all of that want the wall isn’t going to happen
They estimated..20billions not counting maintenance ..will take 5 to 7 years to build it trump will be out before that ..are you Americans willing to spend that money the government is to greedy and they will pocket the money instead
Trust me ..