In a recent episode of “Celebrities Making Utter Fools of Themselves,” novelist Stephen King has kept up his Twitter barrage against President Donald Trump.
Yesterday’s tweet was similar to other recent ones from such intellectual giants as Maxine Waters and Chelsea Handler, who advocates a military coup against the president.
What is it about celebrities that they think the general public remotely cares about their political views?
These people are supposed to earn their livings by allegedly entertaining us, not by annoying or irritating us. Those trying to sell books, produce films that are box-office successes, or get us to give up our time to watch them on television lack a basic understanding of marketing principles.
Alienating half your potential audience is not a pathway to success. Don’t these people have agents who can advise them? After all, the agents get a nice cut of what their clients earn.
On the next page, find out the line the horror novelist crossed regarding President Trump and why his tweet raises more issues than it addresses?
And King’s books need removed from the shelves too, but that is not going to happen either.
A lot of celebrities are blinded by Satan and that is why they are so evil minded. The sad part is they do not even realize it but will find out the truth one of these days..
Screw you king
Where do writers go when REALITY is too much for the moment? Does he have a Twilight-Zone Room?
Stephen King needs a Hot Lead Enema!
King should stick to writing his below average books!!
Stick to writing trash novels asshole
Stephen King needs to be boycotted
Marie C. Williams-Byrd Ok you fat$#%&!@* to start off with, I havent watched TV in over a decade, I am a wrencher and an off road junky, and really couldnt give a$#%&!@*about Hollywood. Second of all, my vote didnt loss cause I didnt vote for either of the$#%&!@*stains that where running. Wanna talk about brain washed? You support a leader that is a warmonger and stands idly by why your liberties are washed away here at home. You wanna call names and insults, at least try to hit the broadside of the barn with them
Get out of your fantasy world. This real life, not a fictional book or movie. Not a script to be acted out by delusional actors.