In a recent episode of “Celebrities Making Utter Fools of Themselves,” novelist Stephen King has kept up his Twitter barrage against President Donald Trump.
Yesterday’s tweet was similar to other recent ones from such intellectual giants as Maxine Waters and Chelsea Handler, who advocates a military coup against the president.
What is it about celebrities that they think the general public remotely cares about their political views?
These people are supposed to earn their livings by allegedly entertaining us, not by annoying or irritating us. Those trying to sell books, produce films that are box-office successes, or get us to give up our time to watch them on television lack a basic understanding of marketing principles.
Alienating half your potential audience is not a pathway to success. Don’t these people have agents who can advise them? After all, the agents get a nice cut of what their clients earn.
On the next page, find out the line the horror novelist crossed regarding President Trump and why his tweet raises more issues than it addresses?
So you will have to tell he ppl who voted to go$#%&!@*them self’s.
And let me kno how that works
Also them ppl will never let the next President sit in office.
Why would they???
You don’t see that
Cause your blind with HATE or dumb
Go write a book King. Your better at that. Do what you know.
You need to be removed from fb you have no idea what is going on you just jim in without any knowledge what your talking about
I have read some of your books the only use they have is got warmth from burning all you yuck books
His opinion & that’s all it is !
And you are who????
Wow did someone distort his face it looks like he’s had alot of work done there.
Lmao King is just another whacko liberal!!! He knows nothing!!!!!
Melody Steffen Scott I am missing your point here…. What do democrats and liberals have to do with the fist amendment? It is a right, not regulated by any party, and anyone that does attempt to infringe upon it should be brought to a fiery justice by the people of this county.
Rina Carlburg Rina, suck a big, fat, black, hairy,$#%&!@* Jump straight to libtard huh. I have more guns then probably everyone else on this comment combined. I drive a lifted vehicle I rip around in the mountains in. Im a mechanic…. Cant stand government or government hand outs… Oh yeah, total libtard over here… Oh wait… No… You are just an actual fucking retard. . .
Michael Meeks It does, Obama was trashed talked like mad, the dems didnt like it and bitched and moaned like little girls. Trump is trashed talked, the Republicans dont like it and$#%&!@*and moan like little girls. Oh am just over here like you are all fucking retards, stop follwoing these idiots