Yesterday, King made his case for the president to leave the presidency.
Donald Trump is unfit for office. Needs to be removed,” the author wrote.
There are only a few ways for a president to leave the presidency: death, impeachment, medical incapacitation or voluntary resignation.
Calling for “removal” indicates that King isn’t seeking Trump to voluntarily step down. The president appears to be a remarkably healthy individual for a 71-year old man. So that would leave only two options to satisfy the 69-year old author: impeachment or assassination.
To begin with, a military coup is not an option, regardless of what Chelsea Handler thinks. The United States traditionally has had a military that defers to a civilian commander-in-chief. All available signs indicate the military brass are happier with the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania than they were with his feckless predecessor.
A president who wants to significantly increase the defense budget and just yesterday signed legislation providing enhanced medical benefits for veterans is not a likely candidate for a coup
As we know from the recent adventures of Bill Clinton, impeachment is a very cumbersome and lengthy process that isn’t likely to happen in the absence of any offenses that would warrant it.
So, the real question is this: is Stephen King arguing for the assassination of the 45th President of the United States? Given the twisted garbage he writes, it’s not a stretch to think that might be what’s on his sick mind.
Just last month, he wrote another tweet that demonstrated his antipathy for President Trump:
The news is real. The president is fake.”
He should go back to his fantasy world and keep his thoughts to himself. His whole world revolves around making up dark tales, so how does he even know what is real or fake?
Clearly, Donald Trump has triggered many in the entertainment world to lose contact with reality. Can’t wait to see who’s up next to show how disconnected they are.
Donald Trump is unfit for office. Needs to be removed.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) August 11, 2017
Source: Breitbart
Image: Ramona Clawson
Michael, kings opinion is , although he will disagree, not everyone’s opinion…..if America wanted king to select the president, they would ask king to do so
Loren R Schroeder Huh?
Mr. King please just go work on another book or help make a movie based on one of your books!
This coming from a man that spent his entire life trying to strike fear into people for a profit. Think about it. He demonized clowns planes rides and alot more people groups and occupations for personal gain.
You sir need to show some respect for the voice of the people …you know, all of us who voted him and his agenda into office !!
No he doesn’t
I will never read another book he writes again.