A day after the terror attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Staten Island in New York has been shut down as police search for four armed men.
A retired police officer reportedly spotted 4 men with rifles near a van that had New Jersey license plates.
The Coast Guard has deemed this a ‘credible threat’. The incident happened near Fort Wadsworth.
Chill out means the same either way ,everybody needs to be on lookout it’s going to get worse
Because why would paintballers dress like that trying to look like “something” their not & u can clearly see what it LOOKS LIKE
More distraction
thanks for being more concerned about that than the article
That’s what I was thinking! It’s a good way to get shot.
Practicing for the real thing?
Residents are unarmed? Oh well…New York gets another win for Islam… Good luck folks…
@[1497804754:2048:James William Loughery]
Three point one four is one pie, jethro.