A day after the terror attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Staten Island in New York has been shut down as police search for four armed men.
A retired police officer reportedly spotted 4 men with rifles near a van that had New Jersey license plates.
The Coast Guard has deemed this a ‘credible threat’. The incident happened near Fort Wadsworth.
Supposedly paintball guns, Gee looks like maybe they wanted to stir the pot out in the open like that in gun free zone. With both hands on and looks to be ready as in body language.
And here… We… Go.
Seems as though she has wandered from the kitchen.
That is s crazy lady with an m16 and probably a bomb strapped to her chest. Two in the chest one in the head!
Women can die just like a man. They have in the middle east for years.
Those paint ball guns could get them killed while dressed like they are and carrying them that way. Good way to get yourself killed!
I just don’t believe it that pic is clearly a older woman u can see $#%&!@*s u can tell by the way she is standing she is older they don’t want people to go nuts but this pic is MUCH MORE than what is being said
But I thought NY has gun laws against such things? #liberallogic
As we see again, these cowards don’t want to prey on those that can actually fight back! Gun laws create victims!
There have been several paintball gun attacks on people there dating back to July 6th wonder if this is the group cops are looking for, It all seems a little odd!
I have got to see these men with four arms… Their mommy’s must have been on drugs.