A day after the terror attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Staten Island in New York has been shut down as police search for four armed men.
A retired police officer reportedly spotted 4 men with rifles near a van that had New Jersey license plates.
The Coast Guard has deemed this a ‘credible threat’. The incident happened near Fort Wadsworth.
Gun laws in one state don’t work When 2 states down you can buy them at your local grocery store. Logic
That is why the u.s has the highest gun related homicide rate in the world right? A lot of protection going on.
Anyone else find it strange that all of this is happening at the same time as Jade Helm
And when was the last time your government told the truth????
The war has been brought to our streets.
So much for that gun control theory huh obama…
Terrorists and criminals don’t obey laws.
PAINTBALL guns !!!??? Don’t see any hoppers on top !!! Time to call your Congressmen !!! They need to hear we are sick and tired of all the PC !!! Terrorism is TERRORISM !!!! Whether it is Tim McVeigh , Bill Ayers or some nut job Muslim !!!! Are you going to a sheeple or a patriot ??
Samuel that’s compete c**p! When are liberals going to pull their head out and realize criminals don’t follow the LAW?!!! The U.S. Isn’t even in the top 50 countries of homicide and wouldn’t be in the top 200 if it weren’t for Liberal run cities like Detroit and Chicago! You have every right to be a victim as liberals love to be, but as for me and my house we chose cons$#%&!@*utional liberty!
Nyc not in the rest of NY.
Are they Presbyterians?