It’s been said that you can tell a lot about people by the company they keep. While we’re unware if Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed has ever met 49ers quaterback Colin Kapernick, Senator Nasheed nonetheless has allied herself with Kapernick and what his protests represent.
In a show of solidarity with Kapernick, she remained seated while the Pledge of Alliegance was recited at the state capitol.
Why has this state senator decided to join in on Kapernick’s protest?
He needs to be removed from office period. If he cannot respect this Country and it’s traditions He has no business being in Office.
Your done! Traitor
Sadly, it appears we have a lot of those.
Dem po misunderstood peoples,you cops got to stop all that harassment you got to let a thug be a thug and let out a that inner rage pent up for so many years.He just been misunderstood .lol Horse$#%&!@*you hesitate for a second and you are a dead cop.Hey y’all might get a few wrong oh we but statistically you get more right then wrong.
Kick her sorry$#%&!@*out.
This fucking idiot needs replaced!!!
your fired.Go Trump.
Black? Again, no place 4 them on earth
Hey everybody that is following his lead and ruining your life over his f**e stance, he is just doing this to impress his Muslim girlfriend ! He don’t really care about all you alls oppression otherwise he would of taken his millions and stood up and done something to help!!