It’s been said that you can tell a lot about people by the company they keep. While we’re unware if Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed has ever met 49ers quaterback Colin Kapernick, Senator Nasheed nonetheless has allied herself with Kapernick and what his protests represent.
In a show of solidarity with Kapernick, she remained seated while the Pledge of Alliegance was recited at the state capitol.
Why has this state senator decided to join in on Kapernick’s protest?
This his$#%&!@*out
Do all these guys not realize there not going to have a job soon. Idiots
If there is a problem with this country, it’s her damn fault. What the hell is she sitting for??
This is disgusting! Our Senate floor is NOT the place for this childish behavior! Get that scum out of there!!!
That Senator should be Impeached.
We don’t need these UnAmericans let’s ditch them all It is disgusting what is going on and we need to let them know it Bye bye
I wonder if these people looking for attention realize they are breaking the oath of office they took to obtain the position they are in?? Definitely time to clean all Houses of all the UN-American politicians clogging up the system.
He should be recalled!!!!! No pay, he’s representing this fing country!!! He doesn’t seem to mind getting PAID by this horrible country!!!! SMH
anti american