It’s been said that you can tell a lot about people by the company they keep. While we’re unware if Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed has ever met 49ers quaterback Colin Kapernick, Senator Nasheed nonetheless has allied herself with Kapernick and what his protests represent.
In a show of solidarity with Kapernick, she remained seated while the Pledge of Alliegance was recited at the state capitol.
Why has this state senator decided to join in on Kapernick’s protest?
Usually they sleep .
That s an improvement
your fired
Playing the old monkey see monkey do game again……
Stupid is as stupid does
I want to be a idiot thug too, assholes
I hope he is feeling great about himself. Now he has high school players/teams and even youth teams following his awful example. However there is no excuse for a State Senator do it, she took a oath to up hold the Constitution and America.
this senator must be removed from the senate floor and banned for the rest of his term in office. for the disgrace to our government.
the more democrats pull this stunt–the more I’m convinced that they are the problem with our country, wanting to destroy it
Bulldog, half sit through the pledge anyway. Time to clean house ,and Senate while we a are at it.
He has breached his oath to uphold the laws, precepts of our country. Take note of the ones that will need to be replaced.