It’s been said that you can tell a lot about people by the company they keep. While we’re unware if Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed has ever met 49ers quaterback Colin Kapernick, Senator Nasheed nonetheless has allied herself with Kapernick and what his protests represent.
In a show of solidarity with Kapernick, she remained seated while the Pledge of Alliegance was recited at the state capitol.
Why has this state senator decided to join in on Kapernick’s protest?
“If you want a refresher on Kapernick, the point he’s attempting to make, and the influce his Muslim girlfriend has on his actions, you can check out this recent story.”
This kind of reference isn’t really needed. You can just mention the substance of the past story and make some text a link.
Okay, thanks for the pointer.
Send her$#%&!@*packing back to a Muslim country
We do not pay their salaries and benefits to do this kind of nonsense!!!
Of course
Stupid welfare bitch
How about you stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to honor and support the military!
Dock his damn pay
A really bad virus a virus we need to stop dead in its tracks.