When one thinks of the State Department and the administration that leads them, the word “transparency” isn’t exactly the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, it’s probably the most distant word in your thoughts.
Throughout the Obama Administration’s eight years in the White House, the American people have been lied to, deceived and brainwashed. Never in American history has American society been so lost.
This is why when the State Department, the very people who are responsible for international relations releases statements, one should think twice about what they’re saying, especially when their spokesperson gets up to the podium and starts laughing at the very thought of an honest administration.
Yes, you read that right. A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department got up to the podium and started laughing when he mentioned the word “transparency”. Apparently not even he believes the things he’s saying.
Watch the video on the next page.
Asshats.. They forget they work for us. Spend our money, get paid by us. Fire them all. Top secret info should be given to all Americans and put these arrogant dickheads in the unemployment line.
A Corrupt Government will never charge their Horse with any crime. Hillary Clinton is that Trojan Horse. Wake up people.
The elections will be rigged if we allow it to happen…
Only WE THE PEOPLE can stop this corruption.
Vote Trump and let’s clean house.
This tells it all.
Yea remember when Obama promised the most transparency in his office when he was running for president????????? What a joke!!!! Now Hillary with her missing 3,000 emails.Demorats!!!!!!!!!!!!
A laugh is a good way to hide a lie.
You are so right. The polls are fixed so the people will think Killary is ahead and the people will give up. A recent poll by a College with a larger number than our media polls showed Trump 67% ,Killary 19% and the rest undecided. The media polls say she is 10 points ahead . Dont be fooled American people thats what they want.
Agreed Teresa. Thank you.. Trump 2016
What a joke and people bought his garbage
I wonder if he will be laughing in the unemployment line.