Hillary Clinton just can’t catch a break. After months of scandal as a result of her private email server, Hillary may now be the result of a second government investigation, this time because of her involvement with the Clinton Foundation.
The foundation has received its fair share of criticism before, as it relied heavily on foreign donations to a foundation so closely tied to the then-current American Secretary of State, but those accusations of supposed bribery were hard to prove, and therefore gained minimal traction. This time, however, the investigation is focusing on an aide who worked at both institutions simultaneously.
When your record is as corrupt as hers, though, its hard to feign surprise. Hillary thought she was above the law, but the law may be back to bring her back down to Earth, right when it could hurt her most.
See the new allegations against Hillary on the next page:
she is CROOKED to the core
I hope this gets her charged but I think they will let her
Asset seizure would be a better message then a subpoena.
they should hit her with a brick
Do you remember this guy? Interesting story. Read on. You might be surprised by what you read
He is Edward “Ed” Mezvinsky, born January 17, 1937. Then you’ll probably say, “Who is Ed Mezvinsky?”
Well, he is a former Democrat congressman who represented Iowa’s 1st congressional district in the United States House of Representatives for two terms, from 1973 to 1977.
He sat on the House Judiciary Committee that decided the fate of Richard Nixon.
He was outspoken saying that Nixon was a crook and a disgrace to politics and the nation and should be impeached.
He and the Clintons were friends and very politically intertwined for many years.
Ed Mezvinsky had an affair with NBC News reporter Marjorie Sue Margolies and later married her after his wife divorced him.
In 1993, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, then a freshman Democrat in Congress, cast the deciding vote that got President Bill Clinton’s controversial tax package through the House of Representatives.
In March 2001,Mezvinsky was indicted and later pleaded guilty to 31 of 69 counts of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud.
Ed Mezvinsky embezzled more than $10 million dollars from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the notorious Nigerian e-mail scams.
He was found guilty and sentenced to 80 months in federal prison.
After serving less than five years in federal prison, he was released inApril 2008 and remains on federal probation.
To this day, he still owes $9.4 million in restitution to his victims.
About now you are saying, “So what!”
Well, this is Marc and Chelsea Mezvinsky.
That’s right; Ed Mezvinsky is Chelsea Clinton’s father-in law.
Now Marc and Chelsea are in their early thirties and purchased a 10.5 million dollar NYC apartment (after being married in George Soros’ mansion).
Has anyone heard mention of any of this in any of the media?
If this guy was Jenna or Barbara Bush’s, or better yet, Sarah Palin’s daughter’s father-in- law, the news would be an everyday headline and every detail would be reported over and over and over again!
And yet say there are no double standards in political reporting. Lying and corruption seem to make Democrat candidates even more popular.
hit her with prison,
just throw the book of law at clinton they both have broken the law so many times it isn’t funny…from land scams in Arkansas to the run for office….it is all a scam and alie
Bet 50% of donations from overseas nations, Kings, prince, etc were not fully posted to accounting records at CPA FIRM. Books are cooked criminally. Off shore malnipulated funds by foundation needs to be addressed. Hllary $675 million in speeches reported as income on her past records?? Bet not. Speeches for foundation or speeches fir personal income????
What difference does it make!
Her and all enlist will continue to thumb their nose at our constitution and rule of law!
She and they are untouchable because WE THE PEOPLE are too lazy and apathetic to do anything about it!
Want proof!
Hillary’s past transgressions have been written and documented and made public for 30+ years…. And she still walks free!
Her and Vince Fosters kid will run in 2020 or 2024!!!
You know Chelsea? Huh?
initial document request had been narrowed by investigators and that the foundation is not the focus of the probe.