State Dept Hit Clinton Foundation With Subpoena

State Dept Hit Clinton Foundation With Subpoena

Hillary Clinton just can’t catch a break. After months of scandal as a result of her private email server, Hillary may now be the result of a second government investigation, this time because of her involvement with the Clinton Foundation.

The foundation has received its fair share of criticism before, as it relied heavily on foreign donations to a foundation so closely tied to the then-current American Secretary of State, but those accusations of supposed bribery were hard to prove, and therefore gained minimal traction. This time, however, the investigation is focusing on an aide who worked at both institutions simultaneously.

When your record is as corrupt as hers, though, its hard to feign surprise. Hillary thought she was above the law, but the law may be back to bring her back down to Earth, right when it could hurt her most.

See the new allegations against Hillary on the next page:

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State Dept Hit Clinton Foundation With Subpoena