Immediately after it was discovered that Hillary Clinton had been storing confidential, government materials on a private server, the fact that she had signed a mandatory agreement to return classified materials was often cited as proof that she knowingly and willfully broke the law.
That seemed indisputable fact, as every person with access to confidential materials must sign the forms before they leave the post that granted them the aforementioned privileges.
Turns out those accusations were wrong, Hillary didn’t lie when she agreed to turn over classified materials… but she’s not in the clear. If she didn’t break one law, then she broke another.
She didn’t lie because she never made the mandatory agreement to turn over the materials in the first place.
Breitbart received the information from the State Department itself. See what the State Department had to say on the next page:
Hillary acts like its no big deal well i think a persons life is very importiant and hillary deserves to go to jail for the crimes shes commited
The barking$#%&!@*dog had better end up being indicted or the FBI will be making too much noise to be ignored & rightfully so!!
Then she was never the Secretary of State.
from the president himself down to the low level aides there all involved, and look none of them give a$#%&!@* it’s pathetic abuse of power. arrest everyone of them.
It was Bush’s fault.
Bull$hit! She was one of 30 people that could classify or Upgrade/downgrade the classification of a document. Every Secretary of State has had that , it’s in their job duties. She’s also guilty of not reporting classified material that wasn’t marked at all!
Do not forget to include Obooboo!
Sounds like someone conveniently lost the paperwork. They are just covering for her lies.
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