It just keeps getting worse and worse for Hillary.
The State Dept. testified on Wednesday that it did not give Hillary Clinton the Blackberry she used while she served as Secretary of State.
Testimony given in a civil case brought by the nonprofit group Judicial Watch reveals that no cellular phone was issued to Hillary and the agency likely destroyed devices used her top advisors.
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That just tops the cake !!!!
Obama is noticeably quiet on this subject, I wonder if he has dirt on his hands and is afraid ti will show up in some of her emails???????
Hillary for prison 2016
Busted, AGAIN. Dumb de dumb dumb.
OH, they forgot, off the hook,,,,,,
She’s a Traitor!
Who cares where she got her cell phone?? A crook is a crook…,
More and more lies to cover up the other lies!!!!!
Ugly then and hasn’t improved much.
if the state department would have given her a blackberry it would of had a sled installed on it. That is where you put you secure token in to read cl$#%&!@*ified information…….she probably use a plan from walmart on her blackberry