It is hard to know who is more inept and ridiculous, Obama or the Cuban commentators that he just visited. Obama has shown that he is a complete amateur in international relations, even after seven years in the presidency. He does not seem to understand that his background as community organizer does not qualify him as a diplomat, and so he bumbles his way from one miscue to the next. And in the international arena, the press is much less inclined to cover for him than the U.S. press corps which is little more than a supporting arm of the Democrat party.
But it is laughable to read some of the opinions expressed by Fidel Castro and now by Havana Trubune columnist Elias Argudin, whose article is titled “Black Man, Are You Dumb?” Argudin makes some charges against Obama that must surely sting, but it is uncertain if the president will understand the insults hurled his way. On the other hand, Obama’s well-known tendency to have very thin skin when dealing with critics could cause some serious repercussions against the island.
Read charges against Obama, page 2:
that’s good kindly send me a friend request to have you as a friend
LOL, Obama incites bs everywhere he goes. People and leaders around the world laugh behind him and his family’s backs.
wow, what a terrible job at translating,, one word can completely ruin an entire article,, where you say the title of their article, the word sueco, does NOT mean dumb, that word means swedish, basically the title asks obama if he is swedish. not dumb
Yes he is known for that and has done the same here.. He should be tried by a world court for his transgressions against the world.
Comic book guy from #TheSimpsons approved!
Don’t claim he’s white, he’s not. He’s half black and half Polynesian. If he was half white at least he’s be half smart but that’s not the case! He’s all stupid! Lol
Cuba knows everything Obama touch’s turns to s**t
Looks like Cuba Was Not Impressed by the $#%&!@*.
New media in Cuba does not have Obama back like they do in America,