It is one thing to have the gay community shoving their agenda down your throat – it’s quite another when a major company tells you to buzz off if you do not fully embrace the radical left agenda.
The left attempted a major takeover under the Obama regime. They worked to change things not by consensus, but by force, as exemplified by this story.
Check the next page and take action:
Who wants to drink coffee with feces in it? Not me
Socialist alert
just one more reason to not go there
Good place to get aids.
I won’t buy Starbucks if my life dependent on it that the ceo of Starbucks needs his$#%&!@*whipped Starbucks will go under and the jackass with nobody wants that$#%&!@*anymore
Not to worry! Don’t buy that S~~T !
I haven’t been to one since their CEO made this comment….2 or more years ago!
Just go to Dutch Bros !! There are other great coffee places out there !!!
I think their coffee sucks
I have never been to a Starbucks and never will because they won’t send coffee to our troops and they put illegals before America. I see their lord are full and I can’t believe people are paying so much for a cup of coffee to people who hate them