Starbucks near downtown Philadelphia refused service of their bathroom to a Philly police officer. “It’s for paying customers” stated the employee–the restroom required a code. Starbucks obviously missed the mark.
Police Officers have been the subject of many of news cast this summer, as they have become the targets of groups like Black Lives Matter. Gunned down in the streets for sport. If the summer before an election is called “the silly season”, this summer is the “stupid season” wherein people act ignorantly and stupid, targeting the police.
What was the motivation for such a slight to a Police Officer?
He is probably unemployed
Forgot to add that I was SHOWN this card, and this young man proceeded to tell me stories and salaries that were more than a surprise to learn. Kinda like some of the movies we see,but not the worst ones about cops’ behaviors. He told me to “grow up” and get smart about those lazy, self serving, entitled, sometimes synthetically induced “roid” heads.
Starbucks will drive themselves out of business
They Suck!
Daniel Paige..Think you been watching to much BS Wrestling…Sheep this..Sheep that…
Many years ago, there was a young girl who needed to use the bathroom, the mom was imploring me to allow her to use the bathroom, I was working at a card shop. The supervisor at that time told me NO, it’s for the employee. I was very new and I did not even know where the bathroom was in the store. I was told to tell the girl’s mother to use the general public restroom which was also in the mall. It was many years ago, but I still carry the heaviness in my heart that I did not insist to the supervisor to allow the girl to use the bathroom. The girl at thhere at time was probably 4 years old. There are pros and cons, I guess. We carry the guilt. At the same time, we have to learn our lessons. Last week, I had my babyboy who’s not potty trained and had pooped his pants. What to do? We had no diaper. Well, we had to walk a long walk in the mall to find the general restroom. Had to clean him up. I did not even dare ask the store if we could use their bathroom. I guess we just have to suck it up at times.
Starbucks sucks. Boycott Starbucks. Let them move to a Muslim country.
Police officers, service dogs…seems like Starbucks is rude to many !
starbucks has lousy products and charge way to much its boycott time they suck
let them us the bathroom’s