Starbucks near downtown Philadelphia refused service of their bathroom to a Philly police officer. “It’s for paying customers” stated the employee–the restroom required a code. Starbucks obviously missed the mark.
Police Officers have been the subject of many of news cast this summer, as they have become the targets of groups like Black Lives Matter. Gunned down in the streets for sport. If the summer before an election is called “the silly season”, this summer is the “stupid season” wherein people act ignorantly and stupid, targeting the police.
What was the motivation for such a slight to a Police Officer?
I dislike Starbucks ,
He should have gone to Chick-fil-a!
What is your job running your mouth?
Awe….. And here is one of the sheeple. So sorry your deeply indoctrinated into this system of lies. Maybe one day you will wake up and see the root cause of the real problems
What do you do?
Have you ever heard of the saying what goes around comes around Oh Boy
That douche canoe worker must have had a video camera rigged under the restroom sink. He didn’t want to take the chance of the police officer catching him.
That place is in a world of you know what when they call for help talk about no officers in that location at the time sorry
Besides fish for attention.