Starbucks near downtown Philadelphia refused service of their bathroom to a Philly police officer. “It’s for paying customers” stated the employee–the restroom required a code. Starbucks obviously missed the mark.
Police Officers have been the subject of many of news cast this summer, as they have become the targets of groups like Black Lives Matter. Gunned down in the streets for sport. If the summer before an election is called “the silly season”, this summer is the “stupid season” wherein people act ignorantly and stupid, targeting the police.
What was the motivation for such a slight to a Police Officer?
No starbucks for me.
socialist scum company
boycott this unamerican company
I say that of a person who is common. The type of which I deal with every day, who substitute rudeness for strength and disrespect for valor.
I would have pulled it out, and pissed on their counter, and floor…
Was told that they do not support our troops as well…
Anyone know about this ?
You know nothing of me except these words and I promise I am anything but common.
Hope they have no paying customers.
My daughter would probably serve a police officer and soldier FIRST!
unbelievable-but-IF THEY NEED HELP-they will call the police-HOW NICE-what disrespect for the law enforcement-shame om them-