Starbucks near downtown Philadelphia refused service of their bathroom to a Philly police officer. “It’s for paying customers” stated the employee–the restroom required a code. Starbucks obviously missed the mark.
Police Officers have been the subject of many of news cast this summer, as they have become the targets of groups like Black Lives Matter. Gunned down in the streets for sport. If the summer before an election is called “the silly season”, this summer is the “stupid season” wherein people act ignorantly and stupid, targeting the police.
What was the motivation for such a slight to a Police Officer?
If people starting at the top don’t start respecting police officers instead of treating them like they are the enemy we will not have any more people wanting to be police officers then what will happen? Think about it folks.
Being nice is what I believe in but not the police, they won’t be happy till thw cashier loses her job for doing her job.
They have an agenda as does Chipotle, I don’t like it so I don’t spend there ….
Don’t buy my coffee there need to show some respect.
Don’t waste my money there 🙂
Glad I never go there……..snobby idiots without any class.
Crappy overpriced coffee
hope they go under and never come back.
ridiculous…………………..boycott this place
should have asked where that was posted, you have to post those things, and how did he/she didn’t know he wasn’t buying something.