In spite of the dangers, some CEOs insist on injecting their companies into political battles. That, of course, is their right, yet it remains a dangerous thing to do. By so doing, they have taken a business organization and turned it into a political advocacy group with all the risks that attaches to such a move.
There are some business that, by their nature, cannot avoid political issues. Manufacturers of firearms would be one such business. The abortion industry would be another. Yet operating a business such as a coffee shop does not require making political statements. More on page two.
Gee that’s to bad.
Be careful of the words you speak, keep them soft and sweet, you never know from day-to-day, which ones you’ll have to eat!
They have at least 75 locations worldwide. So if they tank here, still alive around the world. Oh well, ciao!
I’m well aware of that
Baby Jane
Whatever Happened to “A Sense of Humor” people?
That’s a good movie