One of the defining traits of liberals is their ability to make anything and everything about race, even if the subject in question has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Just today, Melissa Harris-Perry went out of her way to make my point, claiming that she has mixed “feelings” about Star Wars because of her interesting take on the series’ iconic villain, Darth Vader. Extrapolating from the black armor the character is known for, Harris-Perry asserts that Vader himself is black and insinuates that his villainy is part of a long tradition of demonizing blacks in culture and media.
Her guests’ silence suggested that they were astonished by Harris-Perry’s “reasoning” (if you can call it that), with the only verbal response coming from Wesley Morris, who meekly asked, “Really? You could?” when she expressed her distaste for James Earl Jones’ voicing of the character. Other than that, the MSNBC host spewed her unhinged assessment of the science fiction franchise unimpeded.
Turn to the next page for more about this unbelievable story:
boy these people today have no idea what racism is seriously !! i will just go back to when my grandfather was born he was Cherokee Indiana so was his mother but his father was half yes only half white he was half Choctaw. when my grandfather was born they marked his race white for fear he would have no chance at a good life if marked Indian (and yes i said Indian ) there was not such thing as Native American back then
she probably thinks teeth are racist also, because they are white. you better pull all of those teeth out your mouth girl, before people start call you a racist
And all his minions were white. So, black guy in power trying to rule the universe commanding white guys…..enough said
Just something else to try to distract from the political garbage dump they live in.
OMG! Why is this racist still on the air? What was I thinking, this is Obama`s America and the only ones that matter are the haters!!
Whoa whoa whoa. Stop with the logic. It will make people die.
wow thats deep, oh and those others behind you are white? I see the problem.
Proof positive that when you’re a Liberal Democrat, “stupid” rises right to the top !
Freedom of speech started out as a great thing time gone by but it dont frighten you lot that no boundary on your tongue may not give your brain a chance to formulate something sensible, stupidity seems to be the only unity in this mess we call colour divide. Yes with a u.