Henry F. “Hank” Cooper was the chief developer of President Reagan’s space arms-control policy while he served as assistant director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency as well as deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force. He was also the first director of the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization under President George H.W. Bush.
Cooper has come forward with a stark warning for all Americans the possibility of an EMP attack on America by Iran, which they can carry out this attack using satellites. Cooper is therefore demanding the immediate inspection of Iran’s satellites to insure that they are not arming them with nuclear weapons.
The Obama administration doesn’t seem concerned about this very real threat.
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And they say peace, peace but there is no peace.
People are not directly affected by EMP’s so 90% is a stretch.
Debra Chingman, I stayed open minded about all controversial things in general. While most people judge based on what the medias are saying. The truth is Iran’s government system is tolerant people and they know the consequences of using nukes. Importantly, believe it or not I don’t think Muslims will allow that.
A EMP will kill no one. It’s most likely we would kill one another. The cities will be hit hard with no water, gas sewer or electricity, the rural areas will be ok, until the m$#%&!@*es from the cities desend upon the rural areas
Not I I can live without the luxury of modern technology. But remember this I ll be only taking care of mine and only. And I ll fight tooth and nail for them
Thanks Obama and Kerry!!
So we should be working on that, duh don’t you think.
Toooo funny