Henry F. “Hank” Cooper was the chief developer of President Reagan’s space arms-control policy while he served as assistant director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency as well as deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force. He was also the first director of the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization under President George H.W. Bush.
Cooper has come forward with a stark warning for all Americans the possibility of an EMP attack on America by Iran, which they can carry out this attack using satellites. Cooper is therefore demanding the immediate inspection of Iran’s satellites to insure that they are not arming them with nuclear weapons.
The Obama administration doesn’t seem concerned about this very real threat.
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@[100000027957808:2048:Ivan Calderon] this is what I was talking about. “EMP”
emp is common electronic counter measures jus sayin
90% is a gross exaggeration, though the death toll would be high
If an EMP burst could do that, Russia would have won the Cold War…
If you want to hurt us, destroy China…..all our stores would be empty within hours…..
Says Abdul lol
America needs anybody but liberal, communist, Terrorist leaders. … Planned Parenthood is itself a Terrorist Organization. Think about that!!!
Light a fire-cook a squirrel-look at stars-go to bed. Repeat.
Why do you think all the rich people are building bunkers underground
Whether he’s Muslim or not he has a point. I’m sure Iran is fully aware of the repercussions if an emp attack were to happen. If an emp attack did happen its because the powers that be want it to happen not because Iran wants to “turn the lights out”.
Israel is the one with an unchecked nuclear $#%&!@*nal yet Iran is the enemy, with the nuclear deal that involves dismantling more than half of their centrifuges.