Henry F. “Hank” Cooper was the chief developer of President Reagan’s space arms-control policy while he served as assistant director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency as well as deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force. He was also the first director of the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization under President George H.W. Bush.
Cooper has come forward with a stark warning for all Americans the possibility of an EMP attack on America by Iran, which they can carry out this attack using satellites. Cooper is therefore demanding the immediate inspection of Iran’s satellites to insure that they are not arming them with nuclear weapons.
The Obama administration doesn’t seem concerned about this very real threat.
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Some people that need electricity for certain disability’s. Hospitals, no more surgeries. No electricity can kill certain people. No ac, no heat for those that have no backup. It will be horrible!
Of course, that’s what Kerry and all the rest of Obama’s regime is all about. Destruction of Christians , Gov., Culture in that order.
Thanks to our president and his goonies!
Unless we kill them first! 😀
BTW, it’s called HEMP! 😀
The Leaves ARE on the Fig Tree… No man Knoweth the Hour,but through signs,we can Know the Season… Just saying…
Jesus will be back before any of this happens and I can’t wait and if was asked today who I choose I would more than gladly die for my god I love you Jesus and thank you for everything you’ve done for me
Alan Powell, we also know where to hide when the tanks come a’knockin…. we know the woods, we know the streams, we know where the good water is for drinkin….. And in the case of an EMPTY attack, I doubt any vehicles will be running…… theres to much technology up under the hood, all the computers would be fried….. so unless the come rolling up in an armored horse drawn buggy, I think we’ll be just fine.
Eric Scher, I agree. it would be possible, but the time needed getting the infrastructure in place and the farms up and running would be way to long…. I know its gonna make me sound like a right-wing-nut-job, but its why people need to start preparing, If you live in a city that allows small livestock, buy some chickens, or a couple goats uf your city allows, plant a vegetable garden instead of a flower garden. 100 years ago there were several small farms growing several species of fruits and vegetables and livestock, now we have a few huge farms growning one or two crops…. its unsustainable.
So we would be out of electricity for a few days maybe a week or two? And then we erase Iran from the world