Henry F. “Hank” Cooper was the chief developer of President Reagan’s space arms-control policy while he served as assistant director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency as well as deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force. He was also the first director of the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization under President George H.W. Bush.
Cooper has come forward with a stark warning for all Americans the possibility of an EMP attack on America by Iran, which they can carry out this attack using satellites. Cooper is therefore demanding the immediate inspection of Iran’s satellites to insure that they are not arming them with nuclear weapons.
The Obama administration doesn’t seem concerned about this very real threat.
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Wait, we’re taking back the whole country and extending our borders up to Sudan. Prepare for the big one, any premature action will fail.
And the fallout will wipe out thousands of them too.
Donald Trump for president of the United States! 2016
Yeah, except Iran doesn’t have a space program of any fashion.
Yeah, anyone who $#%&!@*les their page Truth and Action, you know they’re lying.
Um… Have you wondered why they say death to America? Have you seen the death, mayhem, and violence perpetrated in that region for nothing more than securing an $#%&!@*et and control. Respect, understanding, and truth is lacking here. You may suffer for the acts of your government regardless of you agreeing with what they do. Same for them. The same with your insurance company, you suffer increase in premiums, regardless of your driving history, due to others, where you live, and fraud. Wake up! Put yourself in their place. All countries governments have injustices, unreasonable laws, and oppression over the people to some degree. Anyone can do harm, who are we to judge that after over 20 years they are going to bother. Logic says, they aren’t a large enough country and the close proximity to Israel, they aren’t going to destroy themselves by doing such an act. Stop the hate… I don’t believe in the use of nuclear for energy. It’s too dangerous and toxic. But, all should move away from use And possession of it.
When are the rest of the world realize that they are not safe when IRAN is capable of launching an Atomic Bomb!!!!
An EMP? Yea teenage girls everywhere will die without their cell phone
People don’t realize how true that statement is!